Frequently asked questions

How can I apply for a home on ImmoMapper?

To apply for a home or contact the owner or landlord please go to one of the original listings linked to under the heading "Original Listings" on the listing page.

ImmoMapper is a search engine and has no information beyond what you see on the object page.

Where are the listings on ImmoMapper coming from?

ImmoMapper is a search engine for real estate property in Switzerland. It aggregates listings from all the major real estate portals as well as a number of smaller sites to give you a comprehensive overview of the market.

How frequently are the listings on ImmoMapper updated?

This depends on the original source. Most listings on ImmoMapper are updated every few hour.

A listing on ImmoMapper has incorrect information

Please let us know at so we can look into the matter.

A home is no longer available but still shown on ImmoMapper

Normally, it should take less than a day for an ad that has been removed from the original source to also automatically disappear from ImmoMapper.

If a home is still shown on ImmoMapper please let us know at so we can remove it from ImmoMapper.

ImmoMapper matched listings incorrectly.

ImmoMapper searches the internet for listings of homes that are for rent or for sale and aggregates the found listings. Oftentimes, landlords or real estate agents post a listing on multiple sites in order to reach more potential renters or buyers. ImmoMapper tries to identify, match and consolidate these listings to avoid showing you duplicates.

This matching process works well most of the time but sometimes the algorithm makes a mistake. This is particularly annoying when listings of different homes are mistakenly being combined into the same ImmoMapper listing.

If you notice such a mistake please send an email to so we can examine the issue. We might not be able to correct the matching logic right away but are always happy to remove the incorrectly matched listing.

I get multiple search abo emails for the same property.

Sometimes, an owner or landlord might list a home on a site for a while but then pulls it shortly thereafter only to re-list the same property a few days later. If that happens and you are subscribed to an email alert about the home ImmoMapper might send several emails about this home.

Can I advertise my home on ImmoMapper?

No. ImmoMapper is a search engine and doesn't have its own listings. Therefore you can't list a home on ImmoMapper directly.

Instead you can list the object on one or more of the real estate portals that ImmoMapper aggregates listings from.

For example, you could use Homegate, ImmoScout24 or UrbanHome.

ImmoMapper will automatically find and incorporate your listing from these portals.

On the statistics pages, why does ImmoMapper use the median instead of the average?

The median is the value where 50% of house prices or rents are below and 50% are above. In contrast to the average, it is less susceptible to extreme values. For example, if the price of a very expensive house changes from 5 to 6 Mio this affects the average value but not the median.

How can I contact

You can email

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